benefits of premium coffee
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Top 5 Benefits of Premium Coffee

While we all have a love for coffee, have you ever stopped to think that it might be healthy for you too?  Sure, we love all things unhealthy for us such as sweets and chocolate.  However, coffee has some really great health benefits, which might surprise you.  What are Premium Coffee Beans? Premium Coffee is…

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Introducing New Gourmet Coffees!

A few months ago we introduced our Javita Instant Coffee line and this week we are proud to officially launch a number of new gourmet coffees! Make sure to try these coffees out on your next order with us. Ethiopia Longberry Harrar – Available in Regular and Decaf These Ethiopian coffee beans have been unavailable…

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Eco Friendly Coffee

Have you caught the eco-friendly fever? If you are trying to live your life in a more eco-friendly way here are some ways you can turn your coffee habit more “eco” friendly. Sustainable Coffee Beans There isn’t an official label or title for coffee beans that promote sustainability of resources (both natural resources and human…


Why Use Organic Coffee Beans?

Perhaps the best way to convince you that organic coffee beans are better for you is to explain the requirements of being 100% USDA Organic Certified: No genetic modified organisms No herbicides, pesticides or synthetic fertilizers used during growth Grown in areas free of harmful conditions Must consist of 95% organic ingredients Other 5% non-organic…

8 Reasons to Buy Organic Coffee Beans

With all the hype over buying organic products including coffee it’s hard to know what is true and what is not, and if the benefits of an organic product outweighs the cost savings of its traditional non-organic counterpart. In the coffee industry, natural organic coffee beans come from environmentally friendly farms that protect the environment…

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El Salvador Cuzcachapa Cooperative – Naturally Organic Coffee Beans

Voted the “Best Coffee Company in El Salvador” in 2007 the CuzcaCoffee Co-op (also known as the Cuzcachapa Co-operative) has been producing and exporting some of the best coffee beans in the world. The co-op processes over 15 million pounds of 100% Arabica coffee beans each year and about 15,000 bags of specialty coffee. The…

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Fair Trade Coffee is Worth It

North America imports the majority of its coffee beans from countries around the world, increasing the importance and popularity of Fair Trade Coffee Beans. Overall, any product certified as Fair Trade works to promote healthier working conditions and higher economic incentive for producers. The Start of Fair Trade Coffee Beans In 1988, coffee prices dropped…

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Choosing Fair Trade and Organic Mexican Coffee Beans

Mexico has become a leading producer of gourmet coffee beans for Americans as Mexican Coffee Beans the unique characteristics are captivating. Mexican coffees are known for their  light bodied, nutty flavor, brighter acidity levels and hints of chocolate. Some drinkers even compare the flavors of Mexican coffee beans to a light white wine as it…