
Coffee Breaks Good for Productivity!

Recent research shows that shift workers who had coffee breaks were more productive. British researchers found that workers who consumed Gourmet Coffee with caffeine improved memory and concentration and decreased the number of mistakes made. It had the same benefit as taking a power nap. Results from 13 studies from around the world were analyzed…

Fun Coffee Quotes

Grab a cup of hot Gourmet Coffee and enjoy: No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee’s frothy goodness.  ~Sheik Abd-al-Kadir No coffee can be good in the mouth that does not first send a sweet offering of odor to the nostrils.  ~Henry Ward Beecher A morning without coffee is like sleep. …

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Kopi Luwak: The World Most Expensive Gourmet Coffee

It may sound strange but the most expensive and sought after Gourmet Coffee in the World comes from the Dung of a civet a cat like animal native to Indonesia and the Philippines. Their dung is carefully collected and used to make Kopi Luwak coffee. The animals eat the coffee cherries that then get fermented…

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Seattle: America’s Gourmet Coffee Capital

Seattle, the birth place of Starbucks, is considered to be America’s Gourmet Coffee capital it is well known for high quality coffees. Starbucks is a world wide coffee brand found on almost every street corner in the World’s major cities. Coffee arrived in America in the 1600’s brought by John Smith to Jamestown, it was…

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Fair Trade Coffee – What’s It All About?

Fair Trade Coffee is defined as an organized social movement developed to assist producers in developing countries to promote sustainability. It often involves direct trade with the buyer and farmer cutting out the middle man, thus ensuring the grower gets a fair price. In recent years fair trade coffee is gaining in popularity. But Why…

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Tips for Storing Gourmet Coffee

Here are a few tips for storing gourmet coffee: Don’t keep coffee in the fridge as it will absorb other flavors Don’t freeze the coffee as the moisture breaks down the natural oils Store gourmet coffee in a sealed container Buy freshly roasted gourmet coffee beans and grind just before brewing Don’t store the coffee…