The 4 M’s of Espresso
- Macinazione – the correct grind
- Miscela – the correct coffee blend
- Macchina – the espresso machine
- Mano – the Barista
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In the media recently we have been hearing about how El Salvador is having a tough time keeping its coffee industry profitable. The costs of coffee production keep increasing in El Salvador despite coffee prices declining – meaning it costs more to grow the coffee beans but the farmers can’t increase their prices to compensate….
One of the new and hip coffee houses opening in Seoul – Cat Cafe is the home to the neighborhood cats customers get to sip their coffee and cuddle up with a friendly feline. In Seoul coffee culture is booming and its tough competition for those opening coffee shops so many have become very creative…
Like a wine party only for coffee lovers! Why not invite your friends over for a fun evening sampling coffee’s from around the World. Order beans from the Worlds four main growing regions, Central America, South America, Africa and Indonesia. Consider brewing or cupping (finely grinding the beans then adding hot water over them) a…
A recent study has uncovered the role coffee plays in diabetes prevention. Researchers at UCLA have found a molecular mechanism behind coffees positive effect. Coffee drinking has been shown to increase levels of sex hormone binding globulin or SHBG this affects the activity of the bodies sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. Which are believed to…
I have never really thought much about coffee mugs until I ordered a dessert coffee at our favourite pub the other night. When the coffee came in a dainty stemmed coffee mug it was if the universe went out of whack. I just couldn’t relax or enjoy my coffee. I like a wide mouth, large handle, flat…
“Breathable Energy … Anytime, Anyplace” Last month the dietary supplement product called AeroShot was introduced to New York and Boston consumers as quick way to get enough caffeine in their system that is equivalent to a large cup of coffee. The small canister is about the size of a tube of lipstick and releases a…